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Perl set registry key example

23 Mar 15 - 18:38

Perl set registry key example

Download Perl set registry key example

Download Perl set registry key example

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Learning Perl on Win32 Systems In addition to creating keys, we can also set Registry values. To do so, we once again need an open key and set its information. The following example assumes that we already have the $eriko key open:

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I have a script that reads values and I want to add the ability to updat. Perl Programming; How to set a registry key value using Win32:: Creating a Registry Key Just like opening a key, you can create a key using the to create HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareActiveStatePerl5, for example, $CurrVer->GetValues(%vals); # get sub keys and value -hash ref foreach $k 16.4 The Registry · Learning Perl on Win32 Systems · Next: 16.6 Setting Registry

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Information in the Registry is stored in a key-value format. This means Each key can have both subkeys and one of more sets of name-value pairs. In fact, you Dear Monks I have search here for an example where I can add/modify a win32 registry keys/values, but unfortunatly I only found one short example, however I Jan 8, 2002 - For example, the root key HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG has the Copying a registry key requires that you create a new key, then create valuesJump to More examples - Adding a new tip Note that Perl's delete function returns the value that was deleted. If you use delete to delete a Registry key or value and use the return value, then Win32::TieRegistry usually looks up the May 22, 2002 - Win32::TieRegistry Tutorial (WAS: Writing to the Windows registry) #is a registry key or registry value, you can (a)add a slash to the end #to You may use this to copy a whole registry key with all subkeys into a different branch. For example . Recurses through the registry, calling &function for every value found. You may . [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTPerlShellEditddeexecifexec]

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